Tuesday, November 15, 2011

TAG, Green Deen Rising Star Ibrahim Abdul-Matin

Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin is one of the leading voices of the Muslim environmental movement in Americas. He is not camera shy and has been able to write, speak, and build a green movement within the Muslim community. In the following interview Ibrahim simply takes the green message to the mainstream audience.

We are praying for his success and the success of green work.
(Don't forget to grab GreenDeen if you haven't read it)


Green Deen, Interview with ibrahim abdul-matin from eabanoz on Vimeo.

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin’s timely book blends spirituality with environmental responsibility, teaching each of us how truly necessary it is to care for our planet. His enthusiasm about the subject is infectious! Ibrahim does a marvelous job of explaining how Islam requires its followers to care for our planet AND teaches us easy steps to be more conscientious in our daily living.  His presentation is perfect for anyone who cares about the state of our planet. He skillfully addresses global issues like waste, water, energy and food – tying our responsibility to care about these back to Islam and other faiths.  You do not need to be Muslim or to know anything about Islam to appreciate the lessons that he shares – you simply have to have an interest in the world around us.

<a href="http://www.vimeo.com/22779537">http://www.vimeo.com/22779537</a>

Feedback on Ibrahim Abdul-Matin:
The students, faculty, and staff loved Ibrahim’s engaging, informative presentation.”  Staff, Wake Forest University, North Carolina.
Having Ibrahim on our campus was an honor. He drew crowds like we didn’t expect! The event was a huge success.”  Faculty, Univ of Wisconsin (Madison)
Ibrahim breaks down the connection between Islam and the environment so that my 8-year-old cousin and my 80 year old grandma can understand and contemplate. Having him on campus was a breath of fresh air!”   Doctoral Student, Univ of Florida Jacksonville
We are so grateful Ibrahim was so generous with his time. He made quite an impression on our students. He planted “green deen” seeds and now our students see faith and environment differently.”    Faculty, New Horizons School, Pasadena, California

Thursday, November 10, 2011

TAG, Think As Green: Khutba on the Environment

Photo: Allah in Arabic in a form of a cardiograph - acrylics.
A Khutba (sermon) on preserving the Environment, avoiding waste, fasting, and following the Eco-friendly example of Prophet Muhammad.

In this Friday sermon, Faraz Khan encourages believers to shun the culture of waste and to follow the Prophet's example of respecting the environment.


Ramadan 2011
Princeton University

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TAG: Altaf Husain on how MSA can go green

Dr. Altaf Husain describes how to extend the MSA (Muslim Student Association) work on college campuses to take a lead on green initiatives.

(correction made, thank you Hana)

Dr. Altaf Husain has over 17 years of experience in the field of student leadership development and training. He served two terms as President for MSA of the US and Canada, and he is an executive committee member of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), headed by Imam Siraj Wahhaj. Dr. Altaf resides in Northern Virginia with his wife Mona, and their sons Omar and Ahmed.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yasir Qadhi's Personal Green Advice

"Allah's Light is Better than anything We have"

Islamic scholar, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi on personal habit of conserving electricity. 

TAG, www.ThinkAsGreen.com You're It!
A grassroots effort to protect the environment.

Friday, October 14, 2011

TAG: Yasir Qadhi on 25 bil annual Styrofoam cups in trash

How do you explain 25 billion Styrofoam cups thrown away each year by Americans?
Is there a moral imperative to do something?

"This (green work) is a double responsibility... The claim that this type of stuff [protecting the environment] has nothing to do with Islam, is a claim based on ignorance... 

These types of products we produce [Styrofoams, non-biodegradable items, etc.] are damaging to the environment and are harmful to the creation of Allah and there is no question that there is an Islamic responsibility to educate the people to better  themselves."
Islamic Scholar Yasir Qadhi on green living in conversation with Faraz Khan, www.ThinkAsGreen.com

Thursday, October 13, 2011

TAG: Mizaan Retreat Reconnecting with Nature..

I realized that a thousand lectures on the environment and ecology will not do justice unless we let people experience nature up close. A few friends from Princeton and Boston areas are organizing a great initiative that I am so proud of their work and happy to be part of it. The Mizaan Retreat is this weekend that will further our connection with nature and love for the creation of God.

I have always marvelled at all the shades of green you find in a forest but this time of the year (Fall), I cannot even describe how the colors simply imbue in me this sense of life, energy, and majesty of God. The hues simply remind me about the nature of this aesthetic life and soon my time will expire and I will become brown and dry just like the dirt and return back to my Creator. I am here and those around me will continue to manifest life, each in his or her own way. Life is me; I continue to reflect and struggle with this conundrum. I have too many questions and only a few moments before I lose my color.  Meanwhile, I have adopted green.

Best of luck on this journey,

~ Faraz Khan  


Mizaan Retreat: Reaching Balance by Reconnecting with God, Nature, and Community.

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 1st Annual Mizaan Retreat.  To be held from Friday Oct 14, 2011 – Sunday Oct 16, 2011 in beautiful Camp Green Lane (Green Lane, PA).
HANDBOOK (includes schedule, classes, teachers, etc)
mizaan retreat handbook 2011mizaan retreat handbook 2011 

EVERYONE IS WELCOME (from infants to grandparents)!
The Mizaan Retreat seeks to bring Muslim families and individuals together for a weekend full of fun activities, learning and inspirational experiences in a cabin camp setting.  By encouraging friendship, personal spiritual exploration and respect for diversity of Islamic practice, Mizaan Retreat hopes to foster the creation of American Muslim identities.
2011 THEME |  Akhlaq: Nurturing Noble Character.

Camp Green Lane Retreat and Conference Center Interactive Map

Monday, October 10, 2011

TAG: Sayid Hassan Al-Qazwini on Prophet Muhammad as a Mercy to the Environment

Imam Sayid Hassan Al-Qazwini on the Prophetic practices of caring for the people, environment, animals, and cleanliness.

Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini is the Imam, religious leader of the Islamic Center of America - one of the largest Islamic center in the US.

Bio: Imam Hassan Qazwini, from a prominent religious family, was born in Karbala, Iraq. He joined the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran in 1980 and graduated in 1992. He pursued the highest Islamic studies in Jurisprudence, fundamental of Jurisprudence and Qur’anic commentary. During his studies, Imam Qazwini ran an Islamic Journal – “Annebras” (The Eternal Light).

He has been honored to attend academic lectures of great scholars such as: Ayatollah Waheed Khorasani, Jawad Tabrizi and Muntazari and has authored and published two books including Meditation in Sahehain and Prophet Mohammad: The Ethical Prospect. The Imam speaks three languages including English, Arabic, and Farsi.

In 1992 he migrated to the USA and directed the Azzahra Islamic Center in Orange County, California. In 1997 he moved his wife and three children to Detroit and joined the Islamic Center of America, founded by Imam Mohammad Chirri, to become the religious leader.

TAG, www.ThinkAsGreen.com You're It!
A grassroots effort to protect the environment.

Yasir Qadhi on "What do we care about these Green issues?

Islamic Scholar Yasir Qadhi on Green
"What do we care about these Green issues? Why should we be involved?"

Yasir Qadhi on Prophetic guidance on conserving water to perform wudu, ablution: "...The Prophet (Muhammad - peace be upon him) is telling us to conserve water, conserve food, conserve our resources and we extrapolate from this a simple qiyas - analogy that our shari'a tells us to be responsible to everything - our communities, our families and yes, even to our environment and nature around us. It [conserving resources] is something that is a requirement of being a good Muslim."

"The bottom line is that what organizations like yours [ThinkAsGreen] and others are doing which is to educate Muslims about being green, conserving energy, recycling, there's no problem in saying this is a part and parcel of the message of Islam as well. This [green effort] too is part of our religion and it shows that we are responsible and humane and we are educated citizens and we understand that Allah has blessed us with these resources and we need to show that blessings by taking care of it to the greatest extent possible." Shaykh Yasir Qadhi on Islam and the environment in conversation with Faraz Khan, www.ThinkAsGreen.com

Bio: Yasir Qadhi, born in Houston, Texas; graduated with a B.Sc. in Chem. Eng. thereafter studied ten years of Islamic Theology (B.A. and then M.A.) at the University of Madinah. After the horrific events of 9/11, he felt compelled to return to America to try to build bridges of understanding between the two religions and cultures. Presently he is finishing up his PhD at Yale University.

Yasir Qadhi is an active Instructor in the Al-Maghrib Institute and is a popular speaker at the annual Islamic conventions in the West. He appears on a number of Islamic satellite channels (Islam Channel in England, Al-Huda Channel in Saudi Arabia and Al-Fajr Channels in Egypt), where he teaches theology, biography of Prophet Muhammad, recitation of the Quran, and other topics. He gives regular Friday sermons and lectures.

TAG: Altaf Husain on 10 Year Green Plan for the Ummah

How can a billion Muslims contribute to a better local and global environment? 
Think As Green: TAG - Faraz Khan & Altaf Husain on environmental issues and planning for a better future.

"If anyone has a moral imperative to work on the environment, it's the Muslims...When Allah says we are the stewards - khalifa, we are the stewards of everything he has blessed us with. We are held accountable for polluting the streams." Dr. Altaf Husain on the Environment

TAG, www.ThinkAsGreen.com You're It!
A grassroots effort to protect the environment.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TAG, Altaf Husain on Green Activism & Social Work

Faraz Khan and Altaf Husain on alignment of Green and Social values from a Muslim perspective.

"I need not to be a creator of additional burdens on this Earth"
Dr. Altaf Husain.

Altaf Hussain is a social worker by training. His unique education background combines a bachelor’s in biomedical engineering with a master’s in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Altaf was the President of his graduating class, recipient of the President’s Award and served as campus Student Leadership Coordinator for two years. He returned to complete his PhD at Howard University in Washington, DC, focusing on refugee and immigrant adaptation.
Dr. Altaf has over 17 years of experience in the field of student leadership development and training. He served two terms as President for MSA of the US and Canada, and he is an executive committee member of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), headed by Imam Siraj Wahhaj. Dr. Altaf resides in Northern Virginia with his wife Mona, and their sons Omar and Ahmed.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 24, 2011 - 350.org Climate Challenge - Think As Green

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge"350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere."

350  is a great initiative to start the conversation on climate change. There are many scary scenarios out there for the future of humanity on the planet for example wars, droughts, famine, etc. I am hopeful that global climate challenge will initiate a GLOBAL CONVERSATION on important issues such as global environmental crisis, consumerism, and COMMON BOND OF HUMANITY. Humans have enormous capacity for self-destruction. However, that lethal capacity is tamed only by the infinite power of COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING, & LOVE. 

 So when Saturday, September 24, 2011 rolls comes up in a few days Where will YOU be that day? and What will YOU do? Join hands with your brothers and sisters in humanity ... more info: www.350.org

USA Go Green stamps

USA Go Green Stamps just as cool as 'Eid Greetings' stamp.
The Go Green stamps list the following ways to Think As Green
1. buy local produce - reuse bags
2. fix water leaks
3. share rides
4. turn off lights not in use
5. choose to walk

6. compost
7. let nature do the work - dry clothes outside
8. recycle more
9. ride a bike
10. plant trees

11. insulate the home
12. use public transportation
13. use efficient light bulbs
14. adjust the thermostat
15. maintain tire pressure

Friday, September 16, 2011

Start Spreading the Good News - Green Ramadan Initiative (GRI)

"رمضان أخضر".. حملة لحماية البيئة Here's More on Green Ramadan. Al-Basheer News (Arabic) covered the Green Ramadan Initiative. A good friend of mine AbdulBasit Abdullah forwarded this info to me. 

www.ThinkAsGreen.com is a grassroots green movement initiating practical ways to go green.
الاربعاء 24 رمضان 1432 الموافق 24 أغسطس 2011

الإسلام اليوم / خاص
"دائمًا ما نحاول أن نستغل شهر رمضان المبارك في دفع المجتمع المسلم نحو مزيدٍ من التقدم", هكذا قال أحد قادة الجالية الإسلاميَّة في ولاية نيو جيرسي الأمريكيَّة, متحدثًا عن حملة تحت عنوان "رمضان أخضر".  

وتهدف الحملة التي أطلقتها الجمعيَّة الإسلاميَّة في نيوجيرسي، جنوب برونزويك، إلى تشجيع الأفراد والمساجد المحليَّة على بذل مزيدٍ من الجهود للحفاظ على البيئة نظيفة وخضراء، خلال شهر رمضان المبارك.
ووفقًا لما قاله فارز خان، أحد منظمي الحملة؛ فإنَّ "رمضان أخضر" هو برنامج تم إنشاؤه بواسطة مجموعة من المسلمين المعنيين برفع مستوى الوعي حول أهمية المحافظة على البيئة، والسير على خطى النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، كما تدعو المبادرة إلى تنفيذ أفكار واستراتيجيات جديدة لزيادة الوعي، والتخلص من النفايات، وتعزيز الحياة الصحيَّة.

The Green Ramadan Initiative is a program created by a group of concerned Muslims aiming to raise awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship and walking in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad, according to organizer Faraz Khan. The initiative calls for the implementation of new ideas and strategies that raise awareness, reduce waste, and promote healthy living.

وأضاف خان: "لا تُعد هذه الحملة شيئًا جديدًا، فهي جزء من تعاليم الدين الإسلامي، فالعديد من الآيات القرآنيَّة والأحاديث النبوية تتحدث عن المحافظة على الطبيعة والتعامل معها باحترام؛ لأنّها آية من آيات الله". مؤكدًا أنَّ "تدمير البيئة دليل على عدم الاكتراث بما يقوله الله, والحفاظ عليها أحد الدروس التي نأمل أن ننشرها ونشجعها داخل المجتمع". 

"This is not a new age thing, but part of the Islamic teachings, as many verses in the Koran talk about conserving nature and respecting it because nature is a sign of God," Khan said. "Destroying a sign of God is disrespecting God, so those are some of the lessons we're hoping to promote within the community."

وذكر خان أنَّ فكرة مبادرة "رمضان أخضر" نشأت بعد زيادة المخاوف حول تضخم كمية النفايات المحتملة التي يمكن أن تنشأ خلال العطلة في رمضان", مضيفًا "خلال شهر رمضان المبارك, يوجد الكثير من التفاعلات وتكثر الصلوات والمواد الغذائيَّة، ولذا فإنَّنا نشعر بالقلق إزاء كمية من زجاجات البلاستيك في المسجد", لذلك بدأنا تبادل الأفكار حول كيفية جعل هذا الحدث أكثر صداقة للبيئة، وعليه فنحن نطلب من الناس أن تتفاعل مع "رمضان أخضر"، ونتعهد بالعمل من أجل تفعليه في المجتمع، كما نحاول الحد من استهلاك المياه". 

"During Ramadan there's a lot of interaction, daily prayers and food served, so we're concerned about the amount of plastic bottles generated at the ISCJ since we're not eating or drinking from dawn until dusk," he said. "So we started brainstorming about how to make this event more eco-friendly. So we ask people to take the 'Green Ramadan' pledge to action, where we pledge to reduce energy consumption, water consumption, and consumption of meat."
وأردف خان، أحد منظمي الحملة: "إنَّ المحافظة على البيئة هي الشيء الذي نأمل أن ينتشر بين الناس على مدار العام، ولهذا السبب رأينا أنَّ رمضان هو أفضل وقت لإطلاق هذه الحملة".

"This is something that we hope spreads to people year-round, which is why we agreed Ramadan was the best time to launch it," Khan said. 
وأشار خان إلى وجود 3 طرق معروفة للتخلص من النفايات هي: إعادة التدوير, وإعادة الاستخدام والتقليل منها.. لكن الحملة زادت رابعة: زيادة الوعي وجمع الناس على عمل واحد في المجتمع الإسلامي للعمل بالتزامن مع الصيام، إلى جانب إلهام الناس بالتحلي بالرحمة ورعاية المحتاجين.

"Khan mentioned: People talk about the three R's, recycling, reusing and reducing, so in our community we decided to make it the four R's, with Ramadan. This is a great way to raise awareness and bring people on board in the Islamic community to work in conjunction with fasting, to inspire people to exhibit care and compassion, while showing charity."
من جانبه قال منظم آخر للحملة: "التوعية ببيئة خضراء واجب على كل مسلم، ليس لأنها كلمة طنانة أو سائدة هذه الأيام. ولكن لأنها جزء من المسئولية الأخلاقيَّة للمسلمين", وتشمل الحملة توعية المسلمين في العديد من المساجد الأمريكية الأخرى عن طريق إلقاء خطب عن التنمية وإعادة التدوير وتوفير الطاقة الكهربائية والمياه.
جديرٌ بالذكر أنَّ حملة "رمضان أخضر" تعتبر امتدادًا للحملة التي أطلقتها الجاليَّة الإسلامية العام الماضي تحت عنوان "المسجد الأخضر", وهي الحملة التي بدأتها عدة مساجد في مختلف أنحاء الولايات المتحدة تهدف إلى التوعية بالبيئة وتشجيع المجتمع الأمريكي بأسره على تبني تغييرات صديقة للبيئة.
يُشار إلى أنّ عدد المسلمين في الولايات المتحدة يتراوح ما بين 6 و 7 ملايين نسمة من عدد السكان، الذي تجاوز 300 مليون نسمة.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

NATIVE DEEN sing 'Our Earth' - ThinkAsGreen.com

The American Muslim hip-hop band Native Deen who are going on their North African and Asian tour from September 20 - October 3, 2011 share their green identity.

Naeem Muhammad of NATIVE DEEN & Faraz Khan of TAG - Think As Green.com

"If the Muslims could be at the forefront of that [environmental movement] I think we will really be changing the hearts and minds of people about what Muslims are all about."

The story of Native Deen is an inspiring one that began with three Muslim youth possessing unique talents and a passion to spread the uplifting message of Islam.  Originally solo artists and active participants of their communities searching for creative ways to educate and inspire Muslim youth, today Native Deen has become a fusion of Hip-hop and R&B flavors, thrilling fans with their eclectic and unique combinations of lyrics, rhythms and sounds. The trio made up of Joshua Salaam, Abdul-Malik Ahmad and Naeem Muhammad came together in 2000 and has embarked upon a professional career in the music industry together in order to highlight issues confronting Muslims living in America. [www.NativeDeen.com]

Friday, September 9, 2011

How Green is YOUR MSA - Work in Progress

I have been working with Princeton MSA (Green Ramadan Initiative) see latest conversation with Chaplain Sohaib Sultan on green www.thinkasgreen.com and learned a few lessons:

1. Form a TEAM - a Few passionate individuals can make a lasting impact
2. MSA Leadership - Make Public Intention to go Green via PLEDGE/RESOLUTION (available on TAG)
3. Start out Small (SOS) - it will swing momentum and people will start paying attention. DO NOT SET UP MSA Green work for a BIG PROJECT (hence a BIG FAILURE). ex. minimize disposable water bottles, eliminate styrofoam, reduce water waste (sunna wudu)...etc.

4. RESOURCES - Renewal Documentary & GreenDeen are two best works out there.

5. OUTDOORS - plan a hike and discuss the global env. picture and local MSA/House connection. Come up with a PLAN to CHANGE.
Lastly, we need to give MSAs concrete plans... Platinum, Diamond, Gold and encourage “Do the Following” action items. If the entire Green plan is open ended 101 suggestions on green, none of suggestions would get implemented. If we give concrete “implement five of the eight items”  such as 100 green pledges from students, 20% reduction in food waste, No styrofoam policy, reduce one meat dish, plant a tree/sapling this year, etc.

Any suggestions? Please share how things are evolving on your campus.

Faraz Khan

p.s. Be an Inspiration

Thursday, September 8, 2011

TAG: Buddhist & Islamic Perspective on the Environment

Beacon Institute logo
Beacon Institute presents respected theologians for second talk in
“Spirituality and the Environment” series
Buddhist and Islamic perspective on Sept. 15 at environmental center
Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, as part of its environmental lecture series, is presenting the second of two panel discussions with respected spiritual leaders to examine the role of spirituality in protecting the environment at the Institute’s Center for Environmental Innovation and Education at Denning’s Point in Beacon, NY. The lively and engaging discussion that began earlier this summer with Christian and Jewish leaders continues with revered Buddhist and Islamic theologians, designed to transcend differences amongst belief systems to find common points of intersection and hope.

The panel discussion will take place on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7 pm with Bonnie Myotai Treace, founder and head Sensei of Hermitage Heart and the Bodies of Water Society in Garrison, NY, and Faraz Khan, a Senior Environmentalist with the New Jersey DEP and Muslim Chaplain at Rutgers University. Through the dialogue, they will explore the similarities and differences between the ways Buddhist and Islamic traditions relate to environmental challenges within the context of today's world, as well as how human responsibility to earth itself is understood. Beacon Institute’s John Cronin, an internationally renowned environmentalist and a former Thomas Merton Fellow, will moderate the discussion. Online registration for this free event is encouraged at www.bire.org/events.

―Clearly this is a pivotal time. Life as we know it is genuinely at stake," states Myotai Sensei. "What religious practice brings to the table is the critical capacity for a centered, dignified stance —fully and intelligently engaged while exquisitely and peacefully still."

―The environmental ethics in Islam are based on serving humanity and preserving the resources, whether animate or inanimate,‖ offers Faraz Khan. ―Preserving the environment is a communal obligation based on the Islamic paradigm of living a well-balanced life.‖

Online registration for this event is encouraged. For more information about upcoming Beacon Institute events, visit http://www.bire.org/events.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

TAG: "Much Easier than You Think" Sohaib Sultan on Green Initiatives

A Conversation with Sohaib Sultan, Chaplain Princeton University and Arshe Ahmed on Green Ramadan Initiative at Princeton University. Faraz Khan from TAG, Think As Green.com asks about challenges of bringing Muslim community on campus to enjoin a Green program for college MSA (Muslim Student Association).
"If you make the right contacts and put a little bit of effort and right intention, inshAllah the [green] effort will be full of blessings and can be done, it's much easier than you think". Imam Sohaib Sultan

The RESULT was incredible as Chaplain Sohaib explains how a total of 60 large size trash bags were thrown away full of waste last Ramadan during iftars compared with 10 bags for the entire green Ramadan. Students borrowed plates, cups, glasses, and utensils from resident colleges/dining hall and made an effort to reuse water bottles. Chaplain Sohaib Sultan led the green effort on campus by implementing a NO STYROFOAM Policy for all iftars. The MSA and Muslim Life Program at Princeton reduced plastic water bottle trash to nearly 0% by ordering reusable stainless steel bottles for students.

Daily Iftars (evening meals) would consist of 50-100 people hosted by the chaplaincy program that cultivated NO WASTE and COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION policies: 1. Avoid taking more than you can eat. 2. Exercise patience and think of others when taking your servings. 3. Take ownership of turning off lights and AC when not in use.

The Green Community and Values were fostered by sharing the following Six principles: 1. Come early to set-up tables and chairs. 2. Clean-up your eating area after you are done. 3. Wipe tablecloths, but do not throw away. 4. Rinse plates in basement sink. 5. Wash serving spoons (utensils) in basement sink. 6. Put leftover food in white fridge in basement.

Special thanks to Sohaib Sultan and Arshe Ahmed for sharing their advice for other MSAs on how to implement a Green Team, Green MSA or a Green Program on campus.

TAG, Think As Green promotes green efforts on a grassroots level with mosques, community centers, and on campus. Obviously, in a perfect no waste exists. TAG promotes minimization, reduction, and promotes a healthy balance by supporting alternatives to dominant waste culture.

For more info on Green Initiatives please check out TAG, Think As Green http://www.ThinkAsGreen.com

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ThinkAsGreen: Nouman Khan elaborates "Do No Harm"

"The first principal in deen [Islam] is 'do no harm' before we do good...making one appreciate what Allah has given us as a gift will take care of it" Nouman Khan, CEO Bayyinah.com
Nouman Khan in conversation with Faraz Khan on green efforts www.ThinkAsGreen.com

Nouman Ali Khan is the founder and CEO of Bayyinah, as well as the lead instructor for a number of Bayyinah courses including the ‘Fundamentals of Classical Arabic’ and ‘Divine Speech’. He has dedicated himself to a seven-year-long project, of conducting a linguistic & literary focus Qur’anic Tafseer (exegesis) series in English at www.bayyinah.com/dream. He is an inspirational young speaker and teacher living in Texas with his family.

ThinkAsGreen: Sarah Jawaid on the Environmental Cause with TAG

"I think the environmental cause is a Muslim cause, a social justice cause and just as important as any part of our faith to me". A conversation with Sarah Jawaid, DC Green Muslims on Islam and the environment.

Green Muslims seek to reemphasize the unique role and responsibility entrusted upon humanity by God: environmental stewardship. We hope to serve as a bridge between American Muslim communities as well as partner with a wide spectrum of organizations accomplishing great work. Additionally, Green Muslims seek to provide a unique and organic source of environmental leadership, inspiration, awareness, and direct action within Muslim communities.

Sarah Jawaid, Director Green Muslims

Sarah Jawaid is an urban planner and artist originally from Southern California and now, residing in Washington, DC. She currently works on affordable housing advocacy issues. Sarah got involved with GM because she believes it is important for Muslim communities to actively engage in the environmental stewardship conversation with the intention of creating a movement that inspires thought to action.

RESOURCES: Check out Ramadan Tool-kit & Green Iftar Guide and No Impact Guide produced by Green Muslims team (Rizwaan Akhtar, Ryan Strom, Sarrah AbuLughod, & Kevin Barrow.

Friday, August 19, 2011

TAG: Imam Zaid Shakir on Green Ramadan

Salam Alaikum Friends,

Imam Zaid invites all of you to Work for a Better Future - better environment. We are making a concerted effort to partner up with individuals like yourself to make a grassroots level green effort.  Please take a Green Ramadan online Pledge (No cost) and encourage your friends to do so.

p.s. How green is YOUR HOME & MASJID

Imam Zaid gives a shout-out to all of the brothers and sisters working on the Green Ramadan project.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

TAG: ThinkAsGreen: Nouman Ali Khan "It's part of what we owe [to] the Earth"

"It's a matter of concern about other creations of Allah and also leaving the world in better shape than you found it for those who are going to come after you." Nouman Ali Khan, Bayyinah Institute.

TAG: Nouman Ali Khan & Faraz Khan on the Environment in the Islamic tradition.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

TAG: Think As Green - "This is the World we are living in..." Baba Ali on green

TAG: www.Think As Green.com with Baba Ali & Faraz Khan - endorsing grassroots green activism in the Muslim community.

"They don't see that this is the world we are living in ... as a community we have to work together [to fix it] otherwise it won't just happen by itself".

Muslim Comedian Baba Ali on Green Mosques, Solar Panels, Curbing waste & Muslim Personality.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

TAG: Brunswick Sentinel on Green Muslims of New Jersey

Green Muslims promoting environmentally friendly Ramadan
Staff Writer

SOUTH BRUNSWICK — The Green Muslims of New Jersey (GMNJ) held their kickoff event July 24 to promote an environmentally conscious Ramadan this year. The Green Ramadan Initiative (GRI) was held at the Islamic Society of Central Jersey and focused on teaching concerned Muslims the importance of “going green.” Ramadan requires 30 days of fasting from dawn to dusk, and during that period, Muslims make frequent trips to their Islamic center to worship and break fast in the evening. Local mosques provide attendees with food and water.

“It’s a lot of hustle, and people come in hundreds to the mosque,” Faraz Khan, Green Muslims member, said. “You need to cater to their needs, so there is a lot of waste.”
Khan, along with Saffet Catovic, Shajia Khan and South Brunswick resident Arif Patel, formed GMNJ in attempts to educate Muslims about environmental stewardship and conservation and implement changes to reduce waste production.

At the GRI kickoff event, people were asked to sign a Green Ramadan Pledge, promising to follow any of 10 action items. The items fell under the categories of water, waste, food and energy. For example, the pledge suggests reducing shower time by 20 percent, replacing plastic water bottles with a reusable water bottle, planting a garden, and making an effort to carpool.

There was also an educational program featuring interactive activities, videos and short lectures about the role of environmentalism in Islam. The children’s program taught the importance of taking care of the planet and how to implement ideas at home. Khan said this educational approach is part of GMNJ’s central aim to increase awareness of environmental issues. The organization encourages area imams to regularly mention environmental concerns and greener living in their sermons.

“On a macro level, it’s about looking at the bigger picture and raising awareness of global warming at the pulpit,” Khan said. “On a micro level, it’s about being practical about what you can do as a mosque attendee.”
The organization partnered with the social activities committee at the ISCJ to reduce the meat provided during Iftar, the fast-breaking evening meal, by 50 percent. Also, students at Noor-Ul-Iman School in Monmouth Junction created posters with facts about going green and the GRI that were posted online for other mosques to adopt, Khan said.
The organization believes environmentalism coincides with the practices and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who, Khan said, only used what was necessary. GMNJ members echo these sentiments on their Facebook page.
“My love for nature expanded as I grew older and learned how Islam encourages to live in harmony with creation, how the Prophet Muhammad lived so modestly and treated creatures with as much kindness as with humans,” Rozana Rahman, GMNJ member, said.
According to Khan, about 20 people meet every month to discuss green issues, and members involved with GMNJ are from New Brunswick Islamic Center, Islamic Society of Central Jersey, Noor-Ul- Iman School, Islamic Circle of Passaic County, National Islamic Association Inc., Newark, and Islamic Circle of Mercer County.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nature Walk with Usama Canon - Inner & Outer Peace

07/30/2011 9:30am-1pm
Sourland Mountain Preserve
Hillsborough, NJ

East Moutain Road, Hillsborough, NJ
With the help of New Brunswick Islamic Center and Green Muslims of New Jersey we gathered in the morning to hike through the scenic preserve. The hike gathered about 80 people from New York, Central Jersey, Newark, and Delaware. Young and old, married and single, men, women, and children were all part of this special journey. The hike was great followed by a dars (lecture) and interactive discussion with Ustadh Usama Canon from California. 
Shajia Khan, Shomail Malik, Brother Dash, Sirfaraz Piracha, Naqiyba Auston & Faraz Khan shared green thinking and activities relating Islamic teachings and the example of Prophet Muhammad to show compassion to people, mountains, trees, birds, and the whole environment. Aside from spiritually uplifting talk by Usaman Canon who related spiritual benefits of silence and listening to the nature and self, the group took part in observing "Signs of God" and Reflections on the inner and outer peace. Shajia Khan shared the Green Ramadan Initiative and Green Pledge with the audience.

TAG: Haroon Moghul & Faraz Khan on Green Values & Muslims

Faraz Khan: Story of Paint Buckets & Fish
Haroon Mughul: Cordoba Mosque, Value driven mosques & the Environment 
www.thinkasgreen.com - TAG, You're It!

TAG: Haroon Moghul & Faraz Khan on Green Islamic Perspective

Faraz Khan: Islam & Environmentalism, New Age Thing or a Western Plot!
Haroon Moghul: Religion is Not Geography. Muslim Intellectual Perspective. Inner & Outer Peace & Cordoba.

Think as Green - Continued Conversation with Haroon Moghul

Friday, July 29, 2011

TAG: Can You Walk the Talk?

Green Ramadan, Can You Walk the Talk? 
Faraz Khan

Islam is a comprehensive way of life. It offers humanity not only a connection to their creator but also to their environment. The environment is an extraordinary sign which draws our attention to its maker and creator. Moreover, the environment also reflects that an immoral behavior could pollute not only the esoteric spiritual heart but also the exoteric physical world.

In retrospect, Muslims are commanded to avoid moral and physical impurities. Pollution is a result of humanity’s shift from equilibrium. As a result, global catastrophes such as acid rain, air pollution, global warming, hazardous waste, ozone depletion, smog, water pollution, rain forest destruction, desertification, ecosystem destruction and extinction are early signs of a meltdown. It is not a matter of lack of technology or energy but rather waste and greed that has led humanity to a moral and corporeal decadence.

The Quran summarizes the environmental crises as: "Mischief [pollution] has appeared on land and sea because of the work that the hands of people have earned. That God may give them a taste of the consequences of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back from wrong ways." (Quran 30:41) No doubt, Islam prohibits waste, destruction, and pollution and guides human behavior to respect their environment.

Preservation of the environment is a clear objective in Islam. The principles established in the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad serve as a guide to humanity. It is clear that environmental crisis requires more than a scientific quick fix. In reality it is not an "environmental problem" but rather a modern human problem. Clearly, the modern waste/disposable culture has no support in any traditional cultures and religions. Prophet Muhammad warned against waste even for a religious purpose "Do not waste water, even if you perform your ablution on the banks of an abundantly-flowing river” (Ibn Majah).  Furthermore, the blessed Prophet encouraged believers to be charitable and ecologically conscious. He said “If a Muslim plants a tree or grow grains and a bird, a person or an animal eats from it will be counted as a charity for him.” (Muslim).
Fundamentally, Islam promotes green – environmentally conscience living. In another example the Prophet reciprocally connected compassion to all beings on this planet with God’s mercy. He mentioned a beautiful paradigm, "The Most Merciful shows mercy to those who have mercy on others. Show mercy to those on earth, and the One above the heaven (God) will show mercy to you." (Tirmizi). Interestingly, the Qur’an literally describes dwellers of paradise wearing green garments (18:31). Compassion is infused in Islamic teachings for everyone – animate or inanimate creatures of God. 
Nevertheless, it is not sufficient to quote verses from the Qur’an and nobles hadiths of the Prophet on the ecological crisis.  While global warming is the macrocosm, plastic and Styrofoam waste - water bottles, cups, utensils, and plates that dominates Ramadan and mosques is the microcosm. Theoretical bravado aside, conserving resources and recycling has yet to become a priority of a community that takes pride in Islamic green ethos. Ramadan is a month of curbing extraneous desires and waste. God commands in the Qur’an "O Children of Adam, eat and drink, yet do not be wasteful. He does not love the extravagant" (7:31). It teaches barakah – less is more when one pleases God. In short, Islam as a green faith will become tangible when Muslims initiate a grassroots effort to green their lives, mosques, organizations, businesses, and the society.

In conclusion, faith inspires hope and hope is a harbinger to transformation. Ramadan is a great time to take a pledge and to renew the commitment to live green – environmentally conscious Muslims. This Ramadan recommit in making this world a green paradise while gaining the pleasure of God. Join TAG, Think As Green the grassroots green being initiative. Take an online green pledge, count eco footprint, form a green team at the mosque, MSA, and community, cut waste, refuse disposable culture, and protect the environment while honoring the signs of God.  

TAG, You’re IT! (green leader).

“From the Earth we created you and into it we shall send you back and from it we will raise you a second time. (20:55)

TAG: 4Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & RAMADAN

ISCJ Begins Green Ramadan Initiative

Throughout the holy month of Ramadan, the Islamic Society of Central Jersey hopes to inspire individuals to be eco-friendly and protect the environment.


On Sunday, the Islamic Society of Central Jersey, on Route 1 in South Brunswick, helped launch a new initiative aimed at inspiring individuals and local mosques to make a concerted effort towards going green during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Green Ramadan Initiative is a program created by a group of concerned Muslims aiming to raise awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship and walking in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad, according to organizer Faraz Khan. The initiative calls for the implementation of new ideas and strategies that raise awareness, reduce waste, and promote healthy living.

"This is not a new age thing, but part of the Islamic teachings, as many verses in the Koran talk about conserving nature and respecting it because nature is a sign of God," Khan said. "Destroying a sign of God is disrespecting God, so those are some of the lessons we're hoping to promote within the community."
Ramadan begins on Aug. 1 and lasts through Aug. 30. Khan said the idea for a green initiative rose out of concerns about the amount of potential waste that could be created during the holiday.

"During Ramadan there's a lot of interaction, daily prayers and food served, so we're concerned about the amount of plastic bottles generated at the ISCJ since we're not eating or drinking from dawn until dusk," he said. "So we started brainstorming about how to make this event more eco-friendly. So we ask people to take the 'Green Ramadan' pledge to action, where we pledge to reduce energy consumption, water consumption, and consumption of meat."

Parts of the pledge include taking quick showers, eliminating use of plastic bottles and styrofoam, eating more fruits and vegetables, carpooling to reduce gas consumption, and the planting of gardens.
"This is something that we hope spreads to people year-round, which is why we agreed Ramadan was the best time to launch it," Khan said. "People talk about the three R's, recycling, reusing and reducing, so in our community we decided to make it the four R's, with Ramadan. This is a great way to raise awareness and bring people on board in the Islamic community to work in conjunction with fasting, to inspire people to exhibit care and compassion, while showing charity."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TAG: Shaykh Abdul-Nasir Jangda on the Environment

"When we destory the environment,
we're destorying the signs of Allah."
A conversations between Abdul Nasir Jangda and Faraz Khan

youtube.comhttp://www.thinkasgreen.com - prepare yourself for a green Ramadan

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

TAG - Green Ramadan PLEDGE


"I _______________________ pledge this Ramadan to MAKE A DIFFERENCE to be environmentally conscious, socially responsible and compassionate to those around me in following the example of Prophet Muhammad – the mercy to the worlds. In order to fulfill this, I pledge to do the following action items (SELECT PLEDGE ITEMS):

ð       1. Adopt a Sunnah Wudu: It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad would perform the entire wudu from a bowl two-hands full together (approximately 0.5 liter) and he warned against excess in performing ablution (israf).
ð       2. Quick Showers: Reduce shower time by 20%. On average, a ten minute shower results in twenty-five gallons of water down the drain.

ð       3. Eliminate Plastic Water Bottles: Plastic should be minimized because of harm related to global warming and health.
ð       4. Eliminate Styrofoam. Styrofoam is unrecyclable and non-biodegradable, which means that it will persist as garbage even a thousand year after its use.
ð       5. Adopt a Reusable water bottle/mug whether you are at the mosque, work, or home. Avoid bringing plastic disposable bottles to the mosque during iftars and for tarawih.
ð       6. Reduce Disposable Party items: Remove or reduce all of disposable items from your parties and save money while doing so.

ð       7. Reduce food waste and over consumption by eating moderately, keeping in mind the hadith (fill ⅓ of stomach with food, ⅓ water, and ⅓ empty). Take only what you can comfortably finish.
ð       8. Sunnah Iftars: Eat More Fruits & Vegetables, Less Meat: The Prophet’s diet consisted mostly of grains, dates, water, milk, honey, vegetables and fruits. Meat was not daily part of his diet. 

ð       9.  Make an effort to carpool.  
ð        10. Plant or expand a garden this year (less grass, more trees and plants) at home or the mosque and remember that planting a tree is a charity.

May God help me accomplish this pledge to the best of my ability seeking His pleasure, amen.”

(Green Ramadan Initiative - TAG, Think As Green.com)