Tuesday, November 15, 2011

TAG, Green Deen Rising Star Ibrahim Abdul-Matin

Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin is one of the leading voices of the Muslim environmental movement in Americas. He is not camera shy and has been able to write, speak, and build a green movement within the Muslim community. In the following interview Ibrahim simply takes the green message to the mainstream audience.

We are praying for his success and the success of green work.
(Don't forget to grab GreenDeen if you haven't read it)


Green Deen, Interview with ibrahim abdul-matin from eabanoz on Vimeo.

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin’s timely book blends spirituality with environmental responsibility, teaching each of us how truly necessary it is to care for our planet. His enthusiasm about the subject is infectious! Ibrahim does a marvelous job of explaining how Islam requires its followers to care for our planet AND teaches us easy steps to be more conscientious in our daily living.  His presentation is perfect for anyone who cares about the state of our planet. He skillfully addresses global issues like waste, water, energy and food – tying our responsibility to care about these back to Islam and other faiths.  You do not need to be Muslim or to know anything about Islam to appreciate the lessons that he shares – you simply have to have an interest in the world around us.

<a href="http://www.vimeo.com/22779537">http://www.vimeo.com/22779537</a>

Feedback on Ibrahim Abdul-Matin:
The students, faculty, and staff loved Ibrahim’s engaging, informative presentation.”  Staff, Wake Forest University, North Carolina.
Having Ibrahim on our campus was an honor. He drew crowds like we didn’t expect! The event was a huge success.”  Faculty, Univ of Wisconsin (Madison)
Ibrahim breaks down the connection between Islam and the environment so that my 8-year-old cousin and my 80 year old grandma can understand and contemplate. Having him on campus was a breath of fresh air!”   Doctoral Student, Univ of Florida Jacksonville
We are so grateful Ibrahim was so generous with his time. He made quite an impression on our students. He planted “green deen” seeds and now our students see faith and environment differently.”    Faculty, New Horizons School, Pasadena, California

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